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    Amazon Echo vs Google Home : Which is best artificial intelligence (AI) ?

    Artificial intelligence are an extremely divisive product category with some people swearing by them and others seeing them as redundant and just a fad. Nearly six months after the launch of Amazon's Echo lineup of smart speakers, Google has brought the Google Home and Google Home Mini to India.

    The Google Home and Amazon Echo are priced at Rs. 9,999 and can be bought online via  Amazon. Both can also be found offline at other retail outlets.

    Amazon Echo vs Google Home : Design

     Design :  both artificial intelligence are as different as chalk and cheese. While the Amazon Echo looks and feels industrial, mechanical and utilitarian, Google has gone for a softer, more rounded, and homely aesthetic with the Google Home. 

    The Google Home has a very minimalist, simple and inconspicuous appearance. The top half is made of white plastic and the bottom is a removable panel covered in fabric. 

    The Amazon Echo has a very basic, no-nonsense design, with its entire front fascia covered in fabric. There are four buttons and an LED ring on the top. While there is no mistaking the Amazon Echo for anything other than a portable speaker.

    Amazon Echo vs Google Home: Sound quality

     both smart speakers can play songs on request from various streaming services. The Google Home has Google Play Music, Gaana, and Saavn in its roster, and the Echo supports Amazon Music, TuneIn Radio, Gaana and Saavn. Both do good jobs of recognising the names of songs and artistes, and both can also play personal playlists from any of the services named above.

    Amazon Echo vs Google Home: Capabilities

    Google Home and the Amazon Echo harness Google Assistant and Alexa respectively in order to play songs, answer all sorts of questions, tell you sports scores, look up the weather, and even tell the occasional joke.

    Do you want google home ultimate guide : click here !

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